Cheap Thrills
Today I went to pick up a new play kitchen for Charlotte that I found used online for 40$. It's the IKEA one that you can buy new for 100$ but we are pretty frugal and buy lots of things second hand, especially kid's stuff. A nice lysol wipe down, some goo be gone, and a magic eraser left it almost as good as new! I love it too, very sturdy and plenty of storage. The stove even lights up. She already had a kitchen but it didn't hold any of the whopping 100 pieces of food that she got for her birthday.....thanks Mom. I sold it last week and she cried so I felt like a terrible person and was anxious to find her a replacement as soon as possible.
There are tons of hacks online to make it even cuter but I'm totally pleased with it and we played with it all afternoon. She got all of the pots, pans, utensils, food, and mixer for her birthday from my mom and sisters and they fit perfectly!
I love this one but I'm not going to be over zealous and do all that, I mean she's a toddler, not Joanna Gaines.
After we picked up the kitchen, I took the girls to the "zoo" aka the pet store. This pet store had puppies and they kept Charlotte entertained for a total of 20 minutes so that's a win in my book! I love to take her to the "zoo" on rainy days or when it's too cold to play outside which is quite often. I mean why not? It's free! Cheap entertainment! There was also a talking bird and that blew Char's mind! It was hilarious.
Then we hit up the local Aldi and it was literally, Char covered me in the banana stickers. And no, we don't own a lint brush. Yes we do, I'm just lazy and this vest is the worst with lint!
After we picked up the kitchen, I took the girls to the "zoo" aka the pet store. This pet store had puppies and they kept Charlotte entertained for a total of 20 minutes so that's a win in my book! I love to take her to the "zoo" on rainy days or when it's too cold to play outside which is quite often. I mean why not? It's free! Cheap entertainment! There was also a talking bird and that blew Char's mind! It was hilarious.
Then naturally, after buying all those groceries, the last thing you want to do is eat them sooooooo.........we went to our beloved Chickay! So I'll leave you with this.
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